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Anthion : Villa Maria Pia | Lay the Foundation Stone

On June 28th we open the doors of what was once D.Maria Pia’s private home and welcome a selected list of guests as we combine the best of what Lisbon was, with the best of what Lisbon is, with the best of what Lisbon will be. A carefully selected list of visual and musical artists will come together on this day.

Queen Dona Maria Pia was a woman of contradictions. She was known for her tireless work on behalf of the underprivileged, she was also notorious for her exquisite tastes. She saw the value of the arts investing in paintings, gemstones, costume-and parties. Oh, yes, the party. In response to criticism for her profligacy, she cooed, « if you want a Queen, you have to pay for her. » Here in Maria Pia’s home, we celebrate her spirit. We follow in her footsteps. We engage with the art, music and foot that-far from being a luxury or a frill-actually allow us to engage our senses with the cultural richness of our own moment in history.

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